Message to the USC Community: Values Poll

October 8, 2019

Dear Trojan Family,

I invite you to join me in shaping the future of USC. We are focusing on understanding our values, and we need you to share your voice. Your insights on our current culture and desired culture are an essential part of driving toward a bold vision for the future of USC.

Building the best culture for Trojans begins with understanding the values at the heart of our community. Next week, on October 14, we will launch the USC Values Poll – a fifteen-minute, online poll for all students, staff, and faculty.

The poll includes five questions focused on your personal values, as well as the values you currently experience at USC and what values you desire for USC in the future. In early 2020, we will host various Culture Sessions to share the poll’s results and gather additional input on tying our values to supporting behaviors. I hope everyone will participate as I appreciate your input, ideas, and passion.

Culture change is a journey. It is something that we develop together over time through honest, open conversation and the actions each of us take every day.

This is an historic moment for USC, and one I am pleased to lead. I want to thank you in advance for your time and thoughtful responses to the Values Poll. Shaping the culture at USC takes each one of us. I am excited about getting your input throughout this process, as everyone’s voice counts.


Carol L. Folt

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