December 10, 2020
Dear Trojans,
As this extraordinary year comes to a close, I want to thank you one last time for all the hard work you have put in to keep our university prospering over these often-grueling months. It has been nothing short of exceptional. This, while you were juggling family issues, homeschooling your children, and trying to stay one step ahead.
We recognize that in this year, more than any other, having some serious downtime is urgently needed. To ensure you get a real respite, we are adding one additional week to our winter recess. It will now begin on Monday, December 21, and end on Sunday, January 3.
For those divisions or units that cannot close down completely during the winter recess, please know you will be able to take the equivalent number of winter recess hours later in 2021. More detailed information will follow from individual managers and is included in this FAQ.
Your well-being is important to us. In fact, well-being was one of the unifying values that emerged from our culture journey work over the past year. Please take care of yourselves and your families during the holidays as we continue to battle the pandemic. As cases surge here and around the country, it is incumbent on each of us to do our part to remain safe. The more we follow safety protocols now, the sooner we will be able to return to activity on our campuses.
Whenever it is safe to resume campus life, we will be ready. We will continue to follow state and county health guidelines, and we are hopeful about our prospects for returning more of our students, possibly as early as February, opening our libraries and outdoor facilities at a reduced capacity, and putting tents in place on campus lawns for studying. In our frequent talks with health authorities, they have made it clear that as soon as increased activity is permitted in Los Angeles, the needs of higher education will be top of mind.
Along with my entire leadership team, we wish you the happiest of holidays and look forward to coming back together rested and energized in 2021.
Fight On!
Carol L. Folt President